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Best Spanish songs 2018

27 December 20185 min read

best spanish songs 2018

Without a doubt this 2018 has had two big winners as far as singles in Spanish is concerned. Rosalia and Carolina Durante, from two completely antagonistic styles, have made that in 2018 some of their songs like “Malamente” or “Cayetano” will not stop sounding even in the most unsuspected places. In addition we have been able to enjoy again consecrated bands like Toundra or La Habitación Roja, the consecration of Mourn, Soleá Morente and Rufus T.Firefly or the appearance of new bands like Cariño, Delaporte and Lola Indigo.

Our Spanish song of 2018 falls however on the Basques Belako, authors of the energy “Over the Edge”. After a forceful rhythms that come especially from guitar and bass, the voice of Cris Lizarraga emerges powerful and heartbreaking to give us a perfect hit.

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