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Un Lugar Llamado Mundo – (Sala Joy Eslava – Madrid)

24 March 20143 min read

Last Thursday 20 March we said goodbye to spring attending the recording of the successful Tv version of Europa FM's radio show Un Lugar llamado mundo, protected by the people from beer brand San Miguel at Sala Joy Eslava in Madrid. The program has hooked so many people on Saturday night opening music scene in Canal +, begins its second season with a live show in this emblematic Madrid's room.

The show starts from days ago with the expectation created in social networks, and when Javier Limón appears elegant dressed and without headphones to which we are accustomed, the show began to start a night expected different. Immediately leads to the first artist of the night, where we find the unique Nawja, who was great after her great concert last week, singing some songs from her new album "Rat Race". Then English group We Have Band came to scene, which delight us with a version of the legendary "Girls and Boys" by Blur together with Nawja, so mixing two very different universes into one. Then, there would still be time for the showcasing of the English band playing some songs from their highly awaited new album "Movements", in which the labeled electronic character of the band was very present.

Javier Limon Nawja y We Have Band - Un lugar llamado mundo

Variety is the spice of life! And so we come to the stomping of Tomasito with his group of girls and his artistic flamenco, to enjoy later the live from Fangoria, who acted for a devoted audience and a stage that shown a consolidated group of the bizarre eighties, that we already saw on festivals last summer. The pace of the program was accelerating with performances, although it was interrupted by the little break on the set for interviews that decorates the stage. A relaxed and pleasant conversation, that briged us almost without realizing it to Javier Limón ripping guitar riffs, playing a cover with Najwa of "Is This Love" by Bob Marley, that Tom WP ( from We Have Band ) continue later with a wonderful improvised part. This mixed between sofa psicoanalyst and music directed by Javier Limón, bringed us another special moment when Tomasito returned to make the whole room laughter with his humor, and to finished seated closer to Fangoria.

Tomasito - Un lugar llamado mundo

An image that can transmit how a perfect evening is designed for listeners of the program, which this time could enjoy not only the sound but were eyewitnesses of it. A fresh and fun program that allowed us to recreate in a great collaboration between the duo Fangoria and Nawja. And to top off a perfect night, the ending had as protagonists Olvido Gara and Nacho Canut, with a set of lights that lit up the stage and last night from winter Madrid.

Victor Ramos

Fanático de la música desde que mis padres me ponían a Eydie Gorme y Los Panchos o el Discotuna por la A2. Intenté tocar varios instrumentos, pero soy muy torpe con la mano izquierda, así que ya sabéis el resultado final. Fan del britpop, Post-punk, el rugby y el baloncesto...

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