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All posts tagged in Kate Tempest

  • 6 December 2018By Victor

    Yesterday afternoon, as a central part of the process of presenting the Radio Primavera Sound project, the organisers of the Catalan festival presented the long-awaited lineup for Primavera Sound 2019. The main novelty of what will be the nineteenth edition of the Barcelona festival is a line-up in which there are more female than male

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  • 27 July 2017By Victor

    This morning has been announced the list of nominees for Hyundai Mercury Prize 2017 award, which honors the best album of the year in the UK or Ireland. In the list of 12 highlights Ed Sheeran with his album Divide (2017), The XX with I See You (2017), Alt-J and their third album Relaxer (2017)

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  • 3 June 2017By Victor

    Catalan festival Primavera Sound 2017 kicked off the main part of its programme at the Parc del Forum with Solange, Kate Tempest and Miguel as big winners of the day, the consecration of King Lizard and the Gizzard Wizard that offered a true show of rock, the pleasant surprise that the new album by Bon

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  • 13 December 2016By Victor

    Just few weeks after announcing most of its line-up, organizers of Primavera Sound have confirmed this morning the distribution by days of its 2017 edition, as well as new names that will join the line-up of the festival, which will take place on May 29 To the 2 of June in Barcelona (Catalonia). For Primavera

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  • 28 June 2015By Victor

    After the big day on Saturday, the Best Kept Secret Festival 2015 came to an end with a third day where highlighted the comeback as a great headliner of the English Alt-J after their performance in 2013, the rock of Royal Blood or the intimate electronics of SOHN. The first contact of the day would

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